Reviews of OPPA Korean BBQ Kluuvi (102)
Read what people think about OPPA Korean BBQ Kluuvi. All restaurant reviews are written by verified Quandoo diners. Learn more about OPPA Korean BBQ Kluuvi before you go by getting tips and ratings from other restaurant-goers. With real-life reviews, you can see what other diners loved about OPPA Korean BBQ Kluuvi and book a table with confidence!
102 reviews
102 reviews
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Interaktiivinen ja herkullinen ruokakokemus, yställiset tarjoilijat ja mukava ilmapiiri. Ehdottomasti jatkoon.
Ihana konsepti ja hauska tapa viettää iltaa. Ruoka ja palvelu olivat erinomaisia
Hyvä ruoka, hyvä palvelu. Tunnelma oli mukava ja asiakaspalvelu mahtavaa. Kiitos!
Ruoka oli hyvää, ja muutenkin kokemuksesta jäi positiivinen fiilis, tämän kuun tarjoushinta 20e per henkilö tuntui kohtuulliselta hinnalta kyseisestä ateriasta, 30e per henkilö olisi jo liikaa
Great spot for a dinner with friends or family. The concept is simple but brings the traditional Korean bbq experience to the table.
Ravintola oli visuaalisesti miellyttävä ja ilmava! Meillä oli varaus ja pääsimme heti tullessamme istumaan. Palvelu oli ihanan ammattimasta mutta rentoa ja ensikertalaisille ohjeistus oli mainiota! Ruoka oli herkullista ja korean bbq konsepti on hauskan osallistava. Tulemme varmasti uudestaan pian! Kiitos!
Food was good but service poor, unfortunately. Staff seemed to horry all the time; speaking, acting and serving really fast. No extra napkins available or tooth picks. Maybe the last ones are possible to arrange :)
Todella hyvää ruokaa ja menu B todella iso, ei miehen kanssa jaksettu syödä kaikkea. Ehdottaisin vielä kala/rapu painotteista menua. Rasvan käry jäi aika vahvana vaatteisiin. Ei ehkä romanttisin paikka mutta kuitenkin ihan ok myös deiteille.
Hyvää ruokaa ja palvelua. Hyvä opastus myös ensikertalaiselle. Lämmin suositus.
The experience was really nice, and the staffs were super friendly. However, the meat quality is not that high-quality. I
Delicious food, good quality meat. The little side dishes were great. Customer service very friendly and professional.
Really nice food. The staff was also great. All together a nice experience. The only aspect to improve is ventilation.
Expect a longer dining experience as it is part of the whole Korean bbq experience to cook the food as you eat. Very nice.
The experience was great, food was tasty and customer service was very thoughtful throughout. <3
Great kbbq in Finland. Almost as good as in Korea. Kimchi had proper kick
<3 <3 <3 Very nice very good <3 <3 <3
Olimme syömässä uudenvuoden aattona. Ruoka oli maistuvaa ja kokemus hauska. Ehdottomasti suosittelen menemään isommalla porukalla ja maistelemaan erilaisia menuja. Palvelu oli myös erinomaista!
Oppa Korean BBQ was an amazing place. We really enjoyed our dinner and on top of the delicious food, we were very pleased with the helpful and service-minded waitresses.
Splendid food that is fresh & aromatic— absolutely worth it.
Good experience, good food, and good service. I would recommend this place to a friend.
The personell were amazing and the fiod was very good.
Really nice diy cooking experience, especially for the first timers.
Ruoka oli erittäin hyvää ja 2,5 h oli sopiva aika grillaukseen ja syömiseen. Erittäin palvelualtis henkilökunta.
Ystävällinen palvelu, ruoka oli hyvää ja sitä oli runsaasti, kiva yhteisöllinen konsepti.
amazing experience, totally worth the price! the waitress and waiter were all super friendly and nice💞
We especially loved the availability of grape soju! The place itself is great
Fresh ingredients, lovely workers O will go back this place
The food is great, just not worth the money. not enough dipping sauce or seasoning. You can ask more kimchi for free.
Good quality food and the staff are friendly, overall we enjoyed the experience
It was good and new food experience for us thanks!
Erittäin ystävällinen vastaanotto, ruoka oli laadukasta ja todella hyvää. Ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta, joka varmisti, että iltamme sujui hyvin. Kiitos! 🥰
Mielenkiintoinen kokemus, mutta grillaaminen itse pöydässä ei ehkä ole oma juttu.
Fun and interesting experience with good food and friendly staff.
It was very good introduction to Korean cuisine for us
Customer service was great and everything worked smoothly. Great place!
Hyvää palvelu. Kaikki hyvin. Ruoka hyvää. I will come back
Hyvä ja tuotteet raaka-aineet, monipuoliset vaihtoehdot menussa. Erityisesti kastikkeet hyviä!
Kokonaisuus oli oikein hyvä. Asiakaspalvelu, ruoan laatu sekä viihtyvyys olivat erinomaiset. Ravintolassa soinut musiikki oli positiivinen lisä!
Jouduimme odottamaan pelkän menun saamista yli puoli tuntia, ja lopulta saimme ruuan tunti myöhemmin. Esittelyä ruuan valmistustavasti ei saanut. Todella ikävä kokemus.
I was a satisfying experience. Food, super yum! Very quiet and did really enjoy eating and grilling our food by ourselves. Worth every penny we spent. Service was fast and very friendly.☺️
Very similar to other Korean BBQ places in Helsinki. Even though the location is in the shopping center, it is rather peaceful. Service was kind but rather hectic: First we had to wait really long for the food, then the dessert was served while my partner was still eating the main course.
Once again we had a good dining experience. Everything about their food was great. Did enjoy everything and the rice they serve, so tasty. Very quiet place that is why you’ll definitely enjoy your food. The service was superb. The woman who seems the manager of the place is always helpful and very friendly to their customers. Worth every penny.
Ruoka oli todella hyvää ja kaikki oli laadukasta. Iso plussa monipuolisesta kasvismenusta. Ravintolasta puuttuu isommalle porukalle pöydät, olimme 6 hengen porukalla ja jouduimme jakautumaan kahteen pöytään, mikä oli ikävää.
Amazing food and lovely staff :) Helped us and kept checking if everything is good! Recommend
Ruoka oli herkullista ja pöydässä grillaaminen oli hauska ja erilainen kokemus!
Great dining experience and great mouth watering foods, got free desserts too ! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
for trying korean BBQ it was an amazing experience for me.
you should try it, take your time and enjoy the cooking and then eating
Upea ruoka ja iloinen, ystävällinen ja avulias henkilökunta. Tänne mennään ehdottomasti uudelleen!!!
The concept and food were good in general, however there were issues that overtook the good experience. I don’t recommend going to this place >4 people as they only have small tables (we were not able to order everything we wanted because of limited space). Also, both meat and vegan menus were lacking courses when served (and the waiter did not inform about missing items before ordering). From the vegan menu, at least 4 items were missing including sweet potato pancakes, vegan chicken slices, broccoli, and radish pancakes. They were not supplemented. As a vegetarian I was hence left hungry after the meal. Also, the menu price of the vegan menu was higher on the bill than what was informed on the menu.